Good Morning SMS

We have very nice and decent good morning sms messages & good morning quote sms collection here.


Morning is nature's way

Morning is nature's way of saying,
live life one more time, 
make a difference,
touch one heart, 
encourage one mind and inspire one soul.

wonderfull day.

Welcome the new morning 
with a smile on your face
love in your heart 
good thought in your mind
and you will have a wonderfull day.

Morning has a greet meaning

Morning has a greet meaning,
every morning 
the sun says wake up like me,
sky says aim my height, 
wind says refresh like me

cute morning $ have a great day.

Wake up and wink

Wake up and wink those teeny weeny eyes, 
stretch those inzy winzy bones, 
wear that jolly winning smile and 
tell you today are a beautiful day.

you are smiling

Sky is golden, 
when sun is rising.
Ocean is silver,
when moon is shining. 
The day is pleasant
when you are smiling.
Good Morning

Let this wonderful morning brings you, active, freshness, success, confidence, liveliness, and god grace.


G- gets up.
O- Open your eyes.
O- out of your bed.
D- Day has risen.
M- Mobile beeps.
O- One message received.
R- Read and enjoy.
N- Never mind.
I- its just a.
N- new way to wish.
G- Good morning.

Night has ended

Night has ended for another day,
morning has come in special way,
and may you smile like the sunny rays
and leave your worries for some other day.

opening of new day

:”‘: :”‘: (’,’)
: :,,,,: :
: :”” : : _/\_
:,,: :,,: ELLO
With This Cool Hello,
I just want to wish you
A nice and lovely
Opening of new day.

sun paint a smile on your face

Wrap a rainbow of joy in you heart,
Let the sun paint a smile on your face,
Remove all clouds of doubt & fear
And receive God’s gift of life.
Good Morning!

have a fruity day

Have a fruity day..

long lasting smile

It is a
M”ind touching”
L”ong lasting”
E”ffect which Wins the hearts.
Its your “SWEET SMILE”
So Keep smiling always,
good morning!

The sun rises into the sky

The sun rises into the sky
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile,
he wishes you a good morning,
hoping that you have the perfect day.
Take care & miss you.
Good Morning

The Word “Hello” means…

The Word ‘Hello’ means
H=How R U?
E=Everything all right?
L=Like 2 hear 4rm U.
L=Love 2 C U soon.
I miss you!
Good Morning my freind

Your soul came back

Your soul came back from dreaml
re-united with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself
slowly open ur eyes
realize its a brand new day
Good Morning

Happy day + Good Morning

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Beautiful Good Morning Quote

A Beautiful Quote:
“Whats more painful?”
“When a person whom u trust, hurts u or a person whom u hurt, still trusts u….”
Gud Morning

good time to remember

Morning is a good time to
remember all the sweet things
all sweet persons in your life
so wake up with your your dreams
Goood Morning

perfect touch of today

_.’-’- /.
-.’  ä ,ä  ‘.-
-’.   ._,   .’-
Wishing U Allah’s Perfect
Touch Today and ßless
you Heart
Have a nice day

one more inning to win

Do you know the meaning of morning.?
morning means: one more inning
given by the god to play and win.
so good morning.
Have a nice day

lovely morning start

:””–””:  Welcom
“.      .”    A
“v”   Lovley MorninG
Start With Name Of
.+’”;     w    ‘;   ‘;
‘+.+;’      ;      ;   ;
‘+. .+”+. .+
“HavE A NicE DaY”

morning tree

__)(_ _)(_ _)(_ _

Morning with Successful day

Wish U a Smiling; n Successful DAY!

Morning is God’s way of saying 1 more time…

Morning is God’s way of saying 1 more time…
Go, live life, make a difference, touch one’s heart,
encourage 1’s mind inspire 1’s soul
enjoy the day

An excellent saying……good morning

An excellent saying
“The Dream is not what you see in sleep,
Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep.”
Good morning

People often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else

People often feel something but express something else
They mean something but say something else
So learn the art of saying nothing
in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid…
Good Morning

Make each moment a happy one

Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future.
It’’s something u design 4 the present.
Make each moment a happy one.
I just did it by remembering U!
Good Morning & Have a nice day

Good morning Quote:

“The minute you think of giving up any relation,
think of the reason why you held it so long”
Good morning and have a nice day.

Difference b/w secretary & private secretary

Q: What is the difference b/w secretary & private secretary?
Secretary says GOOD MORNING SIR
Private secretary says ITS MORNING SIR

Sending u 1000 smiles take 1 for now

Sending u 1000 smiles take 1 for now &
Keep the remaining 999 under ur pillow,
Pick out 1 every morning coz
I want 2 see u smiling always. Good Morning

Hello, wake up, Receive my simple gift of

wake up,
Receive my simple gift of ‘GOOD MORNING‘
wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care
sealed with a prayer
to keep u safe
happy all day long!
Take Care!

Good Morning: Stay Blessed

First Light
Last Star
You Are
G o_O d
M o R n I n G (:
Stay Blessed

Dont read success story.

Dont read success story.
Read only failure story,
B’coz, failure story you get new idea to win,
from Success story you get only message.
Good morning to u

GOOD MORNING with the…

Good morning
With a great light of sun
With the songs of birds
With the great Azaan of Masjid
With the Quraan
With the happiness
With a great smile
And with the morning prayer
Have a nice day

Use what u have got

Don’t Think About What You Haven’t Got……”
Think About What You Have Got
How To Use It …..”
Good Morning & Stay Blessed

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